Our u3a

What is it?

Who is it for?

How to join.

Many FAQs answered

click on any of the links below to  be  redirected to the relevant page.

What does it cost ?

The annual membership fee is £45.   Attendance at most groups is free unless they have a professional tutor where a charge is made to cover the tutor’s costs. An additional charge is also made for those attending groups which require a costly or specialist venue such as a gym or sports hall. The details of which groups attract an extra charge are in the Yearbook.

There is an optional additional charge of £4.00/ member/ year for 4 copies of Third Age Matters - the national magazine from the Third Age Trust - delivered to your home address.

Our termly Newsletter is distributed by email, and freely available on the website for all members. From August  2024 there  is an option to have printed copies of our Newsletter posted to your home address for an additional £3.00/year.


How do I join?

You can find  an enrolment form & additional information by clicking here.  After completing it you can email a scanned or photographed copy to the Membership Secretary at  membership@u3afarnborough.org.uk   If you have any difficulties, simply contact the membership secretary by email for assistance.

Payment instructions will be on the enrolment form. It is preferable that payment is made by bank transfer as this method of payment is cheaper and easier to administer.

No refund for non-attendance will be made as u3a will still need to pay for booked facilities.


How many groups can I join?

There is no limit on the number of groups you may join although some venues have constraints which require them to limit numbers, and, of course times of the activities that you are interested in may clash, so choices may have to be made.

 The subscription year follows the academic year. If enrolling in August,  you simply indicate on the application form which groups you wish to join. and we allocate places as fairly as possible according to availability and demand. If you wish to join a group after the start of  the subscription year, you are advised to check that there is space in that group prior to enrolment. We recommend that you  email or phone the  person shown as the Contact for that group in the Yearbook.


Is the activity group the right one for me?

If you are concerned that the group that interests you might not be the right "fit" for you personally, email or phone the Group Contact (details in the Yearbook), for more information. You can also request a" taster session", but do check that there is space in the group for you.



Additional information for new members:

Your committee meets twice each term to discuss all matters relating to u3a Farnborough.  If you have a suggestion, concern or issue please contact a committee member who will be pleased to raise it on your behalf.  


 Who and what is u3a?

 The u3a provides opportunities for people who are no longer working full-time to come together to learn, volunteer, continue their interests and take up new pursuits.  The things that we enjoy doing as u3a members is positive ageing in action and sends an important message to the wider community that later life is a time of possibility and growth.

Farnborough u3a

The Farnborough and District u3a was set up over thirty years ago. It currently has almost 800 members and the information about each of the over 80 groups is to be found in the u3a Farnborough & District Yearbook in this website. The groups are mainly led by members and offer a very wide range of leisure, social and educational activities. 


The Third Age Trust:

The Farnborough and District u3a is a member of the Third Age Trust which is the umbrella organisation. The u3a Trust provides insurances for all local group activities and supports local u3a's in the development of new groups and opportunities. The ethos of the organisation is one of self-help using the wealth of experience and knowledge of individual members for the benefit of all members.


Monthly Meetings:

These are open to all members, and are held at the Farnborough College of Technology at 3pm. Topics cover a wide range of subjects likely to be of general interest.


Other Events:

Additional social events, such as Quiz Night, Xmas get-together, and, of course, the AGM, are held during the year where members from the different groups can meet and socialise.