Enrolment form for new members only 

existing members will receive a renewal form with the new issue of the Yearbook in July

New Membership 2024-25

New Members to our U3A are very welcome at any time of the year. The membership form for 2024-25 can be found below, along with notes on completing the form, as well as a FAQ on Gift Aid.

Details of the groups can be found in the Yearbook (click to view)

Click on a document thumbnail to read full screen, download &/or print.


no need to print - read on-line

New member Enrolment form 24-25.pdf

If you are unable to print the Application Form, email the Membership Secretary with your name & postal address to request one

  click here to create email request. 

(if your mail client doesn't open: email membership@u3afarnborough.org.uk with your name & address )

You can also request a blank Application Form by sending a SAE to the Membership Secretary
(Stephanie King, 64 Ashdown Avenue, Farnborough, GU14 7DW )