Dates for

Monthly Meetings for 2024-25

meeting subjects & speakers to be confirmed

Farnborough U3A Monthly Meetings 2024-25

All meetings are held at the Farnborough College of Technology and start at 3:00pm

27th September

25th October

29th November

28th Feb 2025  ~ Bernard Lockett

The Heritage of Gilbert and Sullivan

Bernard Lockett will begin his talk with an historical background to the creative and ground-breaking  compositions of Gilbert and Sullivan, then give an assessment and overview of the works of G&S and consideration of the actual G&S shows genre. Next, he will look at the vast amount of social and political satire within the shows, and the reasons for them. Finally, he will lead his audience to see the world-wide popularity of G&S in the 21st century and to look at modern production values.

Also, Bernard will be showing G&S show excerpts to illustrate his presentation.

28th March 2025